1時間程の作品を作る場合、僕は結構時間をかけて作ります。例えば、昨年暮のDark Odyseey part 2のプレミアでは、2016年のpart 1の10%のムーブメントの部分と、この前皆さんに踊って頂いた70%のムーブメントの部分を付け足しただけの作品で、結構高い評価を頂きました(作品のオリジナルとしては多分、身体の変幻しているさまを作品化したことかな?通常だったらコレオグラファーは自身のスタイルを提示することだと思うんですが)。それを考えると2年の歳月を必要とします。たぶん作るのは小作品だと思うので、僕の場合を考えると、一つのことを徹底することから始めることだと思います。その一つのこととは、ムーブメント、ビジョンだったりすると思うのですが、そこから多分、次が見えてくると思います。
PS. でも最近若い人の殆どが、自身のオリジナルから立ち上げるのではなく、アプリプリエーション(模倣・コラージュ・転用)ですよね。そしてどんなことでもトークしながら晒していく、それもいいのかもしれません、僕は余りリアリティありませんが、作品はリアリティ感満載。やっぱり若い人はそれですよね。
There is not much that I can comment…
When creating one-hour long piece, I take a long time. I showed “Dark Odyseey part 2” last year, and this piece included 10 percent of movements from 2016 version and 70 percent of the sections that you danced at dance box presentation. I got a good response to this latest version. I think people liked how the bodies transform into something else. (Usually choreographer want to present the exact style of their movements. ) It takes two years for me to go after what I want.
I suppose you all are making a short piece for this time, and I would say you need to focus on one thing first. You need to be really specific. This can be a movement or a vision. You start one thing then you will find the next step.
Since I am poor and I cannot afford to pay to my dancers. So I prepare ahead of the time then I share my movements to the dancer afterwards. So my rehearsal hours are short. I spend a lot of time on my own.
For you all, you have the dancers around you all the time. You should give feedback to each other as much as you can. Other people’s opinions are very useful. At the same time you need to spend time on your own.
Other option, for me I do not take this option, is that you go away from dance once. Being away from dance which let you find out what you are really after. You never know when the awakening comes to the choreographer. Usually people are awaken at young age and become the choreographer. But for me I have denied all the stylized movements since young. But gradually I started having my own style. ( I am grateful to the Dance Box for this discovery) Jerome Bell went away from dance all at once and he discovered his dance style after being away. I think you might want to do the same. Being away from dance, for me, it can be architecture, words and public.
As for Deleuze (French philosopher ), he considered the discoveries of prehistoric human race. He thought what are the crucial elements of the human race before the homo sapience were there. He extended this question to such extension as body as a paper, body as the earth, body as advertisement, body as economics, and body as electricity, etc.etc. It is a lot of fun to image these words, isn’t it? Remember the body without organ?
It will be interesting to run away from your actual physical being. Like, your actual body will transform into something so far far far away from present time. Be relax and open to the communication with the others and then you will move forward!
P.S. Young people are often interested in re-appropriating something pre-existing movements. (such as copy, collage or transformation) And they expose everything by verbalizing all the time. That is great, too. I myself don’t have the reality, but work should have a reality. Young people need to go for this.